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CSR Policies

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility > CSR Policies

We are actively engaged in a variety of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, with a focus on healthcare and employee welfare. These initiatives include providing medical services and health insurance for our employees, organizing blood donation camps, and offering financial support to our workers.

Interest-Free Loans for Employees:
Understanding the financial needs of our employees, we offer interest-free loans with convenient repayment plans. This initiative is designed to provide financial relief and support to our workers.

Workers Income Support Program:
We have established the Workers Income Support Program to provide additional financial assistance to our employees for their social needs, the needs of their families and children.

Community Contributions:
In addition to our employee-focused initiatives, we also contribute to the wider community. Our contributions include donations to Hospitals and organizzing camps for blood donation with Sundas Foundation.  We also provide grocery items for our employees during Ramadan, financial aid for widows, scholarships for deserving students from various institutions, and medical aid for needy employees.

Marriage Support for Needy Employees:
Understanding the financial burden of marriage, we provide financial assistance to our employees in need during this significant life event.

Educational Scholarships:
We believe in the power of education and its ability to transform lives. To this end, we offer scholarships to needy but brilliant students from various institutions. This initiative is aimed at empowering the youth and fostering a culture of learning and growth.

Medical Aid for Needy Employees:
We understand that medical emergencies can lead to financial distress. Therefore, we provide medical aid to our employees in need, ensuring they can access the necessary healthcare services without financial burden.

Ramadan Support:
In the holy month of Ramadan, we extend our support to our employees by providing them with grocery items. This initiative is aimed at easing their financial burden during this significant period.

Aid for Widows:
Understanding the unique challenges faced by widows, we provide financial aid to support them in their time of need. This initiative is part of our commitment to uplift the vulnerable sections of our society and ensure they have the necessary resources to lead a dignified life.

Donations to Medical Institutions:
We believe in the power of healthcare and its ability to save lives. As part of our CSR initiatives, we make regular donations to Hospitals. These contributions help these institutions provide quality healthcare services to those in need.

Employee Welfare Initiatives:
We understand that our are employees our greatest asset. To ensure their wellbeing, we have implemented several welfare initiatives. These include providing interest-free loans and offering additional financial support through the Workers Income Support Program. 
Through these CSR initiatives, we aim to give back to the community.  Our is goal to make a positive social impact and those help in need. We will continue to explore new ways give to back to the community and enhance the wellbeing of our employees.